Our Services

  • Immigration to Canada

    Canada have several programs to allow foreign nationals to Immigrate to Canada. This Includes: Express Entry Program (Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP), Canadian Experience Class (CEC), Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) ) , Caregivers and Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program. Our team will help assess which program is best suited for your circumstance and complete all applications.

  • Work in Canada

    Canada requires temporary foreign workers to work in various positions to meet the gaps in our labour market. Our team will ease applications of several classes of work permits for skilled and qualified workers to Canada.

  • Study in Canada

    Canada’s notable universities and a wide range of curriculums makes the country the best place to have your higher education. Have a University and course already in mind? Our team will help access your eligibility and follow up with all application requirements.

  • Sponsorship

    The Family Class Sponsorship Program allows Canadians and Permanent residents to reunite with family members. Our team will aid and carry out all application procedures to sponsor your spouse, common-law or conjugal partner, dependent children, parents and grandparents.

  • Apply for Citizenship

    Effective of June 2015, Permanent residents who have resided in Canada for 3 out of the 5 years are eligible to apply for Canadian Citizenship. Our team will help carry out and finalize the application process and requirements including providing Citizenship test resources.